What is the best lip care, out there?

Over the years, I have not taken the best of care of my lips, and now that I am getting older, I can see the results of this. Everything, from too much sun exposure (including sunburned lips, and even blistered), to allowing them to get too dry, has taken its toll. I knew it was bad when once I had a lady at a cosmetics counter ask me how long I had been smoking, but I have never smoked in all my life! Yikes! Its time to take charge and look out for the best I can find for taking excellent care of my lips from here on out.

I think sometimes, we get so concerned about our eyes, and other skin on our face, that we can forget our very sensitive lip area. Well, no more...

This blog is my journey on finding out the best lip care, and what I have learned as I go. There are MANY claims out there about products that cost BIG BUCKS, but do they "deliver"? We shall see. I hope to share my favorite products here, as an ongoing means of finding the very best. Maybe it will be a combo of products, maybe it won't be a product at all, but a new herb or vitamin, drinking more water, etc. I will share new finds like that too, here.